Brother gay sex stories

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I do not remember if my brother was watching when I shot my load but I remember it was incredibly intense and my come shoot up my chest and onto my face (never could shoot that far!).Īfter I calmed down and dressed I had to walk through my brothers room to get up stairs. I started to jerk off as quickly as I could and since I had stopped and lost my concentration I needed to build up again before I could shoot. my mind said I had been caught literally with my dick in my hand but my dick wanted me to keep pumping! I hesitated for a moment and then realized that if he had been watching me there was nothing to loose by continuing (the horny mind can justify anything when seconds from an orgasm!). I froze holding my pulsing hardon in my hand not knowing what to do. All I remember is as I was about to come I realized that he was watching me. Either the noise from the fan or my mounting excitement prevented me from hearing my 19 year old brother open the door. Since I knew everyone in the family was not due home for quite a while I went to my room in the basement turned on the fan (it was really hot!) closed the door, stripped and went to town jerking off. When I was 18 I got home and felt really horny and wanted to jerk off right away.

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